
MuseOn – Rome Open Museum Exhibition 2016_en

MuseOn – Rome Open Museum Exhibition 2016

An artistic and cultural event, created for the Estate Romana 2016, able to join the roots of History of Rome with the creative flux of the artistic expression mediated by emergent technologies.

museOn, the 2016 edition of the Rome Open Museum Exhibition, presented a New Media Public Art trilogy by Pasquale Direse. Original, authentic and site-specific creations with a wide communicative and emotional impact thanks to the interactive participation by an heterogeneous, multicultural public of citizens, tourists and urban travellers who were crowding the places of the artistic event dedicated to Estate Romana, to give light to the beauty of the historical heritage of the Capital City thanks to the short circuit of the contemporary art mediated by the new technologies.

The project follows the success of the R.O.M.E. first edition realized in occasion of the Roma Creativa 2015 with the sustain by Rome Capital City and through a urban path that already presented inedited forms of new media interactive art at Corviale, Esquilino, Villa Gordiani, Tor Pignattara, Quartiere Coppedè neighborhoods.
The edition 2016 the open musueum of light, sound environments and experimental theatrical forms touched and re-generated three absolutely symbolic places of the Capital City: the Theatre of Marcellus, the Trevi’s Fountain, the Piazza del Popolo.

museOn was conceived and realized as a museum’s open, dislocated, public path freely experienceable, able to involve the interactive and co-creative participation by thousands of citizens and tourists which crowded the places of the artistic manifestation.

A New Media Public Art festival exploring artistic forms of playing, interacting with the public space and with the cultural heritage.

The peculiar site-specific design by medialize.it, moved by the artistic research by Pasquale Direse,was able to generate an harmonic union between the protection and safeguard of the historical and archaeological Roman heritage and its creative and expressive revitalization through non conventional artistic forms.

The poetical contents and concepts “switched on” the urban spaces of the Teatro di Marcello, Piazza di Trevi e Piazza del Popolo making them sensible plces. The artistic idea proposes new co-creative, expressive and affective forms of interaction with the public space: a new way to experience the City actively participating to it.

A concept and an artistic project by Pasquale Direse